
Saturday 4 October 2014


Eid-ul-Adha is a great festival of Muslims.  Eid-ul-Adha is  an "Arabic" name of Eid-ul-Zuha and also
known as  "Festival of Sacrifice". Many Muslims in subcontinent celebrate this event on the 10th to
13th Zulhijja and its also  celebrated  as a great Festival among Muslims all over the world.
The 9th day of Zulhijjah is called 'Youmul - "Arafah' (The Day of 'Arafah). This is a place  six miles

Monday 12 May 2014

Online Female Quran tutors:

In our staff we hired best and qualified Female Quran Teacher who can teach the Quran to women and your daughter as your desired time and days.Most of parents say that they need one female teacher for their's daughter to read Quran online because it is very easy for your son to read quran with male tutor but providing quran classes to your daughter is a tough task.Most of sister's are learning Quran from
our female teacher's.In this way the female student's  can ask very freely their's problem's from our qualified female teacher as well.
It became a very big problem for our muslim sister’s who live in western countries that they can not get Quran Islamic education easily.That’s why we arranged for them Female Quran Teacher who can teach online education of Islam and Quran as well.They can ask any women’s problem very freely to our female teachers.

Excellence of Compulsory Prayer

Prayer is the pillar of religion and safeguard and root of religious belief and the chief of religious actions!
Allah says in the Holy Quran (Chapter 4 Surah Nisaa verse 103): "Salat is compulsory on the believers at the appointed times."
Salat is the most important of all devotions to Allah. It is, in fact the first and foremost item to be

Sunday 11 May 2014

Why Online Quran learning Classes at Home has been started Online Quran Lessons with tajweed, Memorization of Quran, Quran Translation & Tafseer Classes, Fiqh and Hadith Courses as well with our Qualified Tutors. The Prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Wallam) said: “Read the Qur’an, for verily it will come on the Day of Standing as an intercessor for its companions.” [Muslim]

The Holy Quran is the last book of Holy Scriptures sent by Allah for His people. The Holy Quran was revealed gradually to
Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) in stages over a period of 23 years. The meaning of Quran is "the recitation". So for that it is responsibility to every Muslim to recite the Quran with rules of Tajweed and understand because In the Holy Quran Allah says:” We Have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an, in order that ye may learn wisdom.”If someone Read Quran so the Quran can surely refresh us and can give us a feeling of being under the blessings of the Almighty Allah.

Thursday 8 May 2014

How to Learn Quran Online

Ibn Mas’ood reported that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) said,
Recite the Qur’aan, for verily you will be rewarded for it. I am not saying that Alif-Laam-Meem will count as a word, but rather that Alif has ten (rewards), Laam has ten (rewards), and Meem has ten (rewards), so this is thirty (rewards)” (Khateeb al-Baghdaadee)
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) said: