
Monday 12 May 2014

Excellence of Compulsory Prayer

Prayer is the pillar of religion and safeguard and root of religious belief and the chief of religious actions!
Allah says in the Holy Quran (Chapter 4 Surah Nisaa verse 103): "Salat is compulsory on the believers at the appointed times."
Salat is the most important of all devotions to Allah. It is, in fact the first and foremost item to be
reckoned with on the Day of Judgment.
The Prophet (Sallallaho a'laihi Wa aa li hi wa sallam) is reported to have said:
"Salat is the only (apparent) distinction between Kufr and Islam."
There are many Hadiths about Salat which i have collected from different books.
The Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho a'laihi Wa aa li hi wa sallam) Said:
"Allah has made compulsory for His servants prayer for five times. If a man observes them and does not leave anything out of their duties, there is covenant for him from Allah that He will admit him in Paradise. If a man does not observe them, there is no covenant from Allah for him. If He wishes, He may punish him and if He wishes, He may admit him in Paradise."
The Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho a'laihi Wa aa li hi wa sallam) said to the Sahabah (R.A):
"Saying prayer five times is like a flowing canal of pure water by the side of one's house. He takes bath five times daily in it. Will you see any impurities in his body? Sahabah (R.A) Said: No. The Prophet (Sallallaho a'laihi Wa aa li hi wa sallam) said: As water removes impurities, so saying prayer for five times removes sins." 
The Prophet (Sallallaho a'laihi Wa aa li hi wa sallam) said:
"The distinction between us and the hypocrites is our presence at morning and night prayers and their absence at these two prayers."
There are lot of Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho a'laihi Wa aa li hi wa sallam).We have to understand excellence of compulsory Prayer and follow all of that.
What is the Pillar of Islam?
One of the Pillar of Islam is Prayer. The Prophet (Sallallaho a'laihi Wa aa li hi wa sallam) said about the Prayer:
"Prayer is the pillar of religion. He who gives it up destroys the pillar."
The Prophet was once asked: Which action is best? He said:" To pray at the appointed times."

The Prophet (Sallallaho a'laihi Wa aa li hi wa sallam) said: "Prayer is a key to Paradise."

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